What were your grades like in Highschool?

I’ve seen many people with ADHD say that they got good grades and still had ADHD. I’m not one of those people that said they couldn’t be ADHD b/c they got good grades, however, I was genuinely a little shocked.

Having ADHD makes me messy in so many ways I can’t even figure out when to start when it comes to school work. I know that I’d need to try to find other learning methods that’d work best for me, but I just don’t know what? I don’t know how to use them and what would even be efficient enough for me. People say that this society & world is not for Adhd-ers like us because we just can’t fit in in these norms and I believe that because the learning methods that seem to work for majority of the people in my classes, never seem to fully or efficiently work for me.

Did anybody struggle with this and find their way out with a solution? If so, please share. Did anyone who had good grades maintain it without letting their ADHD come in between? Please let me know how!!