[Giveaway] I have a huge collection of AC Amiibos. Today you have the chance to win one of 50 villagers!
GIVEAWAY IS OVER! Thank you all for participating, it's been a fun day reading all your comments while working haha I count on you guys for the next one!
It was a draw out of 331 participants; I chose to disqualify the first winner because I was unsure whether it was a second account. Seems like this time won some of the most repeated names in the thread (I was hoping to see an unpopular villager get a nice home). But I don't judge! Popularity doesn't make any villager less awesome.
u/puppyteef with Stitches!
u/annachis with Marshal!
u/SKT_T1_Teemo with Merengue!
UPDATE: this user is unfortunately unable to adopt Merengue in the near future, so he has asked for a reroll won by u/TopPercentage with Coco. Please note that no one has to pick their prize today or even this week, this incidence is related to undisclosed issues.
As for the rest, stay tuned! We hit Top 2 All time in this sub! I'll be coming back real soon...
Clarification: this raffle is not about winning the cards, but their contents.
As specified by the title, I'm giving today the chance to everyone to win one of these villagers by adopting them from my island, where they'll be invited via campsite. Please understand that I don't have every single character, although I tried fitting in some of the most popular ones.
*Three winners*. How do you participate? Just write in the comments below one of the names from this list. You may talk about why do you like that villager if you want, but it's not really necessary. Just one entry per person. I'll be checking if you put more. Feel free to talk in other people's comments.
Best of luck to everyone. Here's the list (use Ctrl+F if you're looking for a specific one):
- Ankha
- Apollo
- Bangle
- Bea
- Beardo
- Bluebear
- Coco
- Cookie
- Cranston
- Curly
- Daisy
- Elmer
- Erik
- Eugene
- Fang
- Flo
- Freckles
- Gabby
- Gruff
- Hazel
- Hopkins
- Kabuki
- Ketchup
- Kid Cat
- Kiki
- Knox
- Lucha
- Lucky
- Maggie
- Mallary
- Marina
- Marshal
- Merengue
- Merry
- Olaf
- Ozzie
- Paolo
- Portia
- Ricky
- Roald
- Rocco
- Rodney
- Ruby
- Savannah
- Shep
- Snooty
- Stitches
- Tia
- Winnie
- Zell
EDIT3: So much support and participation! Glad you guys are liking this idea.
EDIT4: 332 total participants! I've been reading all your messages and I wish I could give each one of you the villager you want, but that would be just too much time haha. Don't be discouraged, though! I will host more events like this in the future :)
EDIT5: Goin to roll the dice, will get back soon with the results (I want to check for double accounts and stuff).