Am I Cooked?
CONTEXT: ACL reconstruction with quad autograft, meniscus & MCL repair on the left knee, reason being I fell down the stairs.
4 weeks post-op now and PT and the leg have been gradually going great.. but last night, lo and behold, I fell down the stairs & felt a pop on my bad knee. Immediately took it to icing afterwards-range of motion is the same, swelling looks more or less the same as prior, but there's this slight tightening discomfort when I bear weight now.
What are the odds I re-tore my ACL/re-injured myself? 🫠 I'd like to hope the tightness is just temporary pain from the fall and nothing serious..
(psa: reminder to you all that trying to run down the stairs with socks is never a good combo, even if you thought your dog ran away)