Kevin is not innocent so stop defending him
I and many people here (though I mainly speak for myself) do not care Kevin is brainwashed nor that he has a less part in this.Why do people not get he has equally contributed to it and yes he too faced alot under his wife but he could have stopped it! He had that influence too,more than ruby in some cases.Brainwashed is not an excuse,i understand that term well thankyou but people can't defend him over that point.Go through the whole thing on hulu again and tell me I'm wrong.IT FALLS BOTH ON KEVIN AND RUBY AND HE IS NOT A VICTIM HERE!
(-Kevin changed himself before the marriage to suit Ruby's type.
-The abuse started much before Jodi even entered the story
-He was too centred on his wife to care about his kids
-He might be a victim to Jodi and Ruby as many of u state and yes true but he is a bad parent and criminal for the kids
-He was an accomplice to soo many of her abuses.)