7oh for Suboxone withdrawals

Long term Suboxone user (since 2016) and after a very low taper I'm still in Horrible Paws 12 days in. So I took this 7oh to help ease my RLS and this so weird, horrible feeling of every nerve firing in my entire body. Almost a vibrating disassociate type feeling. I was looking for a "light" relief, But whoa... And say, this 7-Hydroxymitragynine, they say it's "natural", but from my studying, is not anymore at this state, because in terms, they've basically done what you can do with ephedrine or pseudoephedrine in processing it further to MDA ? Kratom thru chemical process to 7-oh, which in my opinion is in every way an rc is it not? Do I have this wrong? I know this I have not felt an opiate/opioid, unless a Massive shot of fent/zene or type derivative since 2016 and This feels exactly identical to one of the newer better Zenes. However it's completely opposite in it's severely short acting maybe 3-4 hours in a high dose and it's extremely physically addictive I actually get this instant withdraw or crash feeling about 4 hours in or so that last about 2 hours. It'll taper off yet still keep my RLS and other discomfort of the Suboxone withdrawals away for almost 24 hours. I wouldn't suggest the normal addict use them for I can see easy drug swap being their addictive nature and short "felt" half life. But this could be a miracle in buphenorphine withdraw and PAWS I think this deserves serious research. The withdrawals being sooo long and bad is what keeps everybody stuck on them or relapsing. 7oh could save lives fr might have saved mine cuz I know me and I'd have went downtown and found some relief even knowing all the Zenes in everything here killing ppl... Sorry if this is off topic or not for here I just seen a rc discussion. Thought maybe I could get some real feedback or someone else's opinions on this