No more goals
I got an offer for maths at Oxford. This isnt a post to say how amazing it is or to rub it in but to ask for help. I lost all motivation to continue working for A Levels as from June to December it felt like constant work. I then took all of Christmas and January off. I thought that this was just a temporary lull in work; however, February half-term is almost over and I still have no motivation to revise.
To me, it feels like there is almost no longer a goal. Everything was about the admissions process, and now that there are only A Levels to do, it feels so underwhelming that to me there is almost no point in trying. But I also know if I do not try, then what I worked so hard for so long for will have all been to waste. I just don't want to be in the position 2 weeks before exams knowing I could have done something different.
Has anyone else felt like this, or any words of advice from people who have? Thank you, Hedgehog.