I can’t give up now

Basically it don’t look I am going uni this year with everything that has happened but I am relatively confident in my ability to do well in my alevels if I lock in from now. I want 4 As and 1s is STEP 2 and 3. This seems highly unrealistic but I don’t know might aswell try I literally have nothing to loose lol. ( I am taking STEP cause if someone don’t meet Cambridge offer an I do I might be able to get in with like a 1% chance💀). I will give an update on results day. I am literally quitting social media and only studying from now on 👍🏽 so let’s see how this goes 😭. ( BTW I literally just flopped all my mocks after Cambridge depression and flopped my tmua due to a very bad illness same for my interview. I literally feel like I am making excuses each time but you can’t make this up trust me 💀💀 I am currently predicted AAAA btw)