Help me please
So, I've applied to UCAS already and am waiting for my school to send my application through but now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I wanted to do medicine in the beginning of year 12 and started off great in my new school, grades were really good. But overtime I started to lose my grip on my grades because I was struggling to fit into my school and adapt to the new environment. I became lazy not because I wanted to deep down but because I felt really hopeless. My mental health was not where it should have been.
Then the exams happened in my school that determine our UCAS grades. I managed to get a bit of motivation to study for those exams. But they didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to. They ended up landing me at BBC not the A*AA that was where I started off.
My mum wasn’t happy, and I don’t blame. I was really upset with myself. I sat the UCAT in the summer holidays and came out with a 2310 score. Any ego I had remaining was completely crushed after the UCAT. I pretty much just spent my summer holidays rotting and gave up on medicine.
Year 13 came and I began to apply for international relations and such related courses. My mum wasn’t really pleased but didn’t push me. She made sure that I wanted to do this but that’s when I realised that I still really really wanted to do medicine. I know I have the passion, but I don’t have the grades.
My year 13 has slightly picked up from last year because I’m trying to build up myself and my broken ego. I have things to do and can’t just keep sitting and doing nothing. But I’m still not anywhere near where I want to be academically. I don’t know what I should do. I’m revising with my mock exams near, but I’m scared they’ll turn out no different despite the work.
I’m thinking about working hard, getting a high grades as I can then re-applying for medicine after a gap year because that the only option I seem to have left. But I don’t want to do that. I’ll look like a failure in front of my successful older sister, to my whole family and worst of all, my mum.
Is there anything else I can do? Should I just settle for the gap year and work really hard? I need any advice. Could I switch courses at a university if I worked hard enough?
I’m so frustrated and scared. I’m utterly lost and don’t know what to do because currently I don’t see a future where I’m happy or satisfied with myself. I know my mental health is at it’s all time low but I’m trying to not let it affect my studies.
I don’t want to give up. I’m willing to try anything to get back on my feet. I just need advice on what to do, how to become better academically but with myself. Please, I would appreciate any sort of advice and help.
I’m sorry for the paragraphs but any help is immensely appreciated.