My little (breakdown) plan
So I'm sharing this for specificly Y13s. Even more specifically for STEM students but this works I guess for any subject.
(I know it's Christmas day, I'm sad, you don't need to tell me)
Anyway, we have around 150 days before A Levels. So after today, it's really time to Lock in. You only get what you put it.
So get your to do list, study materials, put your phone away and just start, I promise when your using good study techniques (Google or your teachers will tell you, then try a few see which works for you), 80% you'll have a good session.
That's not to say you'll finish everything, in my experience I'd rather get 2 things done well than 5 things done terribly. Good job!
But what about a bad session, the other 20%. That's where nothing goes to plan, you feel like a failure and you want to cry. What do you do?
Step 1: Rant and Scream. Be mad! The quicker you get through the being mad the quicker you'll be able to move on, pushing it down just internalised it and makes it worse.
Step 2: Tidy everything away. You won't get anything done well like this.
Step 3: Adjust your plan, give yourself the rest of the day or atleast the next few hours. (This is why you should give yourself plenty of time to finish assignments). Make sure the next study task isn't the one that caused the breakdown let it be the second task, and make sure you know what time your going to come back to studying.
Step 4: Move and go do something else. Yeah you'll feel like shit, but trust me staying at the desk is literally wasting your time, when you might aswell relax for a bit.
Step 5: This is a while later, I tend to make a plan for the task I was struggling on. I do the task in a different way. Doing the same thing again and expecting a different result is insanity.
Then I get back on the horse.
This in practise looks like for me: I was revising Vectors, by doing Exam Practise Questions. I got nowhere. So I spent a good 30 minutes being mad. (See rant post in this subredit). I then tidied every thing up and decided I'd come back to it tomorrow. (I'm not that sad enough to study on Christmas day). I then got my PJs and played Pokemon TGC in bed then went to sleep. This morning I decied, that tomorrow I'm going to redo the practise questions from class. Then the exam practice questions. If I struggle on any of them, I'm just going to write why I'm struggling and then send that to my teacher.
This method works for me. So maybe you guys too?