My mom keeps insinuating that I shouldn't move away for university, and it's frustrating

I’ve been talking about going away for university to study law, but my mom’s reactions have been really confusing and frustrating. When I first told her I wanted to do law, she seemed genuinely shocked and even said something like, "Oh, so you’re leaving me?" I wasn’t expecting that kind of response.

Then when I mentioned a specific university, she downplayed it by saying that you can do law at basically any university and that it’s not a "special" program anywhere. She seemed a bit relieved by that, like it made my decision feel less significant or less important.

Now, whenever I bring up uni, she keeps saying something like, "You’ll be at Birmingham, right?" and it’s like she’s trying to guide me toward a specific place, even though I’m still figuring things out. It just feels like she’s subtly suggesting that I shouldn’t move away or go for what I really want.

Has anyone else dealt with this kind of indirect pressure from their parents when making university decisions? How did you handle it?