what's your journey with 5sos?
yesterday, i posted about randomly changing my favorite member after a decade and i really liked all of your comments since we all seem to go through the same thing so i thought why not share how we discovered the group overall 🥰 i think that it'd be a nice trip down the memory lane as we wait for the album or any updates from the boys!
so, here's my story. i'm an old fan who recently got into 5sos again. at the beginning, i was a directioner (who wasn't) and i'll be completely honest with you, i didn't really like 5sos at first. their music back then (2013 stuff) just wasn't for me and my best friend was obsessed with them at time and the fact that she talked about them all the time didn't help. maybe i was also too immersed with one direction haha.
i stayed neutral during their first album and the fame that came with it, but i was lowkey vibing to "good girls" and "don’t stop." as i started hearing more of their music, i couldn’t deny it anymore—i was hooked by 2015. i couldn’t decide between michael and ashton at first, but ended up picking michael because i felt like we were so similar. never regretted that choice, and it’s crazy how even after all these years, i still feel connected to him after we’ve both matured.
my love for them peaked with "sounds good feels good." not to mention that they were my comfort place when everything with zayn and 1D went down. they were a nice distraction :) now let me go back to SGFG, that album was everything for me—literally can’t rank the songs because i love every single one. i also loved how fun their music videos were, and how energetic they were during performances. the "no shame" music video was extra goofy and silly that it reminded me of those days so it ended up being one of my favorites from the "calm" album :)
now, i was a pretty dedicated fan until about 2020 before i started getting into new things. it was a little sad because they started teasing "calm" but i just wasn’t that excited anymore. i listened to the album when it came out but didn’t really go back to it at the time. i picked a few songs i liked and that was about it. i realized that even though 5sos weren't my favorite artists anymore, they had already been such a big part of my life and music taste for five years, especially in my teenage years. i knew i’d always remember them so i kinda parted ways with them back then 😹
then 5sos5 came out, and i stayed being indifferent. whenever i felt like listening to 5sos, i'd go back to the old stuff without checking out the new music. i heard "bad omens" on the radio but didn’t even realize it was them. i was shocked when i found out. i heard "caramel," "carousel," and "blender," but didn’t really vibe with it (i was crazy, forgive me 😵) that was, until i heard "best friends." i saw them perform it live, and i was blown away. that was the 5sos i knew :) it was amazing how they still got the crowd to dance and scream like that, so i remember that i just kept on replaying "best friends" after that.
one thing that really hit me was the fact that 5sos is the only band i like that stayed together. i’ve had my fair share of interests in 1d and some k-pop groups that came and went, don't mind me, but 5sos has always been there. that’s when i realized how genuine their friendship is and how much they love doing music. their older songs still hold up, and i’ll always have a soft spot for them. heartbreak girl will forever be a classic no matter what anyone says 😹 that’s when i knew i’d always respect them, no matter how much my music taste and interests changed. so even though i wasn’t keeping up with their music like i did before, i still kept up with their lives. i found out that michael and luke got married (sadly, not to each other 😅), which was a shock cause i never expected them to do it so early! thankfully, i didn't need the tissues since i was out of my teenage years by then 💀
now, here’s the twist: around the end of the last year, i started seeing a bunch of edits of calum and thought it was funny because my social media feeds never had that much focus on him before. and honestly, i saw him in a complete different light. like, i don't remember that man looking this good before! 😹 so yeah, i kind of fell down the rabbit hole when it comes to calum. since then, i ended up listening to their entire discography for days, and gave their latest albums another shot. turns out... i’m loving it! "you don’t go to parties" is even my ringtone now.
the biggest surprise? calum is now my favorite member as i mentioned in my previous post. i never, ever thought that would happen since michael had been my favorite for 10 years. and funny enough, calum is also my friend’s favorite member, so i’m pretty sure i broke the "girl code," haha. but it was such a big deal for me because i thought i’d never switch favorites, and calum totally changed that which is pretty understandable if you think about it 😏
it’s been almost 3 months now, and i still can’t get enough of 5sos. it's like i'm making up for all the lost time. if you checked my airbuds, you'd literally only see their music—thousands of minutes of just them. i have new favorite songs every week. honestly, it’s been so fun revisiting them. it's just like the old days! i feel like i love them even more than i did before, and i’m excited for their new music. i’ll need a new album to loop soon! 🥰❤️🔥
so sorry about the long post and i'm really thankful if you took the time of your day and scrolled down the whole thing. now, i'm really curious to hear about your stories with them as well! ❤️