Options for a camper fitout
I'm exploring options for a camper fitout and have done a lot of research but I want to run by y'all in case I've missed some options.
- Room to sleep 1 inside - not RTT or external tent. I can live out of it for several weeks at a time
- Great to have room to sit down and use a laptop for a while but that's asking a lot I think
- Room to store gold detectors and coils (some are like 700mm diameter) can probably strap to ceiling
- Not full of fancy interior materials as my gear is necessarily dirty/muddy and I have a lot of bulky metal tools
- Good enough offroading, no serious rock-crawling but lots of unmaintained tracks, no beach/sand driving
- Prefer auto but manual is OK
- Prefer diesel
- Can tow a 2.5 ton van occasionally
- Not a daily driver but when I go adventuring I can be out for a while
- I'm willing and eager to build out the inside w/ cabinets and electrics etc. done it before on a smaller 4x4
I can do some basic auto maintenance and some minor auto work. Budget is ~100k but I don't think I need to spend that much.
I think I want a troopy. Like I'm 99% sure. I'm willing to splash on the new auto but probably more reasonable to get a used one, maybe a 4.2L for the simpler mechanicals?
what I've considered:
NO: - Grenadier - don't trust it or mechanics to know it - 5-door Wrangler - zero trust in jeep - Van 4x4 conversion - don't trust
MAYBE: - Prado/pajero - feels like maybe not enough room? - LC 200 - a bit on the fancy side but pretty capable, I guess the question is, can I rip out the back seats etc and make room to sleep in it
Anything else I've missed?