"eds are fembrained"

bad news for honrexics and good news for poonrexics, a non negligible amount of gymbros i know have eating disorders and often cycle between binging and restricting. guys do have eating disorders but it doesnt usually come with the fembrained "woe is me, let me post about it to twitter" behavior. just dont kill yourself while trying to shed fat. also for nonrexics, most of what you say will not help the average anorexic stop harming themself. "you need to eat more and get big/fatter" sucks and sets off alarm bells for a poonrexic who will definitely envision getting big in the wrong places, but "as a man you need to raise your caloric intake to get better muscle mass" works slightly better. even if eating disorders were exclusively fembrained im sure most pooners would rather be fembrained than femframed.