Post-acne Hyperpigmentation
Hey hey. I'm looking for products to address dark marks left by acne. Caveat being it must be a product procurable over the counter in Canada and preferably not bank breaking.
My skin is super sensitive. So far I have tried vitamin C and a retinol serum. The former helped sun spots but not scars, the latter helped even out texture but didn't do much for the hyperpigmentation. Recently I've tried rosehip seed oil and it seems to be doing more for the scars but it's also causing some minor breakouts. I also use a salicylic acid cleanser once a day (more exacerbates things).
I notice these are define taking longer to fade the older I get and it's causing me a lot of heartache on top of the life long battle of hormonal acne. I do finally have a referral for a dermatologist, but it will probably be the better part of a year before anything comes of it.