Osrs players surprise me everyday

I commented under a post from the official Osrs page on Instagram. Someone (blank account, but runescape related username) sent me a message saying they want to give me gp. I thought it was strange but I replied. I met this guy in game and he gave me 20mil. Was so shocked and asked him why

We had a conversation about how he loves giving money to girls. it's one of his biggest fetishes. he loves being a runescape bank slave and asked me if he can be mine?

Sometimes we would chat in game and he would ask me what I was training and would always offer me gp. If I was afk chopping trees he would ask me if he can give me more logs and trade me 1-5mil worth of logs

I think I made about 100mil in two weeks, I know about findom in real life, but people are finding pleasure from this in runescape?