My Super Subjective Tier List of 13 Sentinels Characters
I only just joined this subreddit as I only just yesterday finished this beautiful game, so my apologies on indulging on another tier list that you guys are probably sick of seeing, but I just can't stop thinking about this game! I didn't quite know what to think of the labyrinth of the story at first, but it eventually grew on me, due in no small part to the great cast of characters.
With that said, I didn't love all the characters and some character arks (pun intended) were weaker than others, so here's my super subjective list of characters I like (based on story and not gameplay). SPOILERS AHOY!
Megumi Yakushiji: Best girl. Genuinely sweet person. Her story with Fluffy was engaging and her undying love for Juro was sweet. Although her shooting nanomachines into her friends was cruel in it's own way, it's what needed to happen. I love Megumi! Juro, just freakin' hug her already!
Nenji Ogata: A bit of a jock at first, but loved seeing the layers being peeled off of him as time went on. His Groundhog Day story was interesting and his relationship with Tomi was sweet and naturally built.
Ryoko Shinonome: She definitely had it rough. Used and abused by Ida but she turned out to be a badass in the end. The choice to have the screen start to shake when her pills were wearing off was a nice directorial choice as well.
Shu Amiguchi: He loves "putting on a show for Yuki-chan!" and is genuinely one cool dude. His story with Miyuki Inaba and the reveal of him being Ida in a previous loop (although telegraphed in other stories) was riveting as well.
Tomi Kisaragi: Beneath her Morgana-like sassiness, she really cares for her friends Miwako and Iori, and eventually gets to like Nenji as well (probably the best naturally built couple in the game IMO)
Juro Kurabe: A down to earth guy who just likes his movies. Nothing wrong with that! Although they told us from the beginning that Izumi was somewhere inside him, the reveal of Shiba-kun being Izumi all along was my favourite twist in the entire game.
Renya Gouto: He's too cool for school and I'm all for it. His story with baby Chihiro was good as well and although not my favourite character, I do like that we see glimpses of an emotional Gouto underneath that logical exterior.
Iori Fuyusaka: She is a sweet girl who cares for her friends and I admire that, but I personally thought there were more interesting character arcs in the game. Her being Morimura was already revealed in other character arcs and her relationship was Ei I just wasn't the biggest fan of IMO.
Keitaro Miura: Captain America in Japanese form. I admire that he's just a good guy wanting to do good things because he's good. His friendship with Hijiyama and Nat-chan was cool as well but I just personally liked other characters better.
Natsuno Minami: Fun, spunky girl who has ET adventures with BJ. What's not to like? I liked her story but I just personally thought some of the other characters had better arcs. The reveal of previous loop Miura being in BJ was cool.
Yuki Takamiya: I was not a big fan of the tough girl persona at first, but her friendship with Nat-chan was very sincere and I like that she was only begrudgingly helping the SIU while still looking out for her friends. The reveal of her Watson being a Tamao android (although somewhat telegraphed) was a nice twist as well.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: The man just really loves his yakisoba pan! Besides his love for carbs though, I had a hard time getting engaged with his story for the longest time. His acceptance of feelings for Okino was a nice story thread but for the first 50% of his arc, I just wasn't the biggest fan. Cool dude, but just not my guy IMO.
Ei Sekigahara: The lone wolf. Not going to lie, I hate the amnesia trope. And amnesia being applied to whom I thought was the least interesting character in the game (IMO) definitely made his arc a complete slog to get through. I found myself saying, "let's get this one over with" every time I had to play as Ei.